
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Gettysburg Ohio Schoolhouse Event

The Gettysburg Ohio Schoolhouse Event
Teresa Frisch, RN, RMT, IARP 3.16.09

I am documenting on August 16, 2008 what I will term two separate events which appear to have some elements of entanglement.  The first occurred on Monday, July 28, 2008 and the second on Saturday, August 2, 2008.  I spoke with Lyn Buchanan by telephone on the evening of August 2, 2008 and related the events below.

I left my home in Troy, Ohio at 0810 on July 28 for an appointment at 0900 with Julie B. in Greenville, Ohio.  I have only passed through Greenville once or twice so I used MapQuest to determine the route.  Traveling west, it took me through the tiny hamlet of Gettysburg, Ohio.  As I passed through I noticed an old one-room brick schoolhouse on my left.  These schoolhouses are common in northern Indiana and they are part of my heritage.  I grew up listening to stories about them from my family.  Schools and children are high priority with me, and I was also very active in the PTA and various booster clubs while my own children were in school.

Age and decay were evident.  The roof was caved in, the rafters were exposed and foliage had seeded and grown high.  I was travelling at the speed limit on a country highway and didn’t linger, but as I passed by I thought, “old pueblo mission / dangerous for kids / needs torn down / good fire exercise.”  I continued on to Greenville and when I came back through Gettysburg I noticed the old, hazardous building again and wondered about its history.  After that I thought no more about it.

I had a follow-up appointment with Julie at 0900 the following Saturday, August 2, 2008.  This time I was running late and left home at 0820.  Unfamiliar with the route, I wasn’t sure exactly where I was when I saw smoke in the distance.  One continuous cloud, darker at the top, was rising in billowy sections as it grew and drifted south.  I had a strange feeling of dread.  I couldn’t quite accept that it was going to be the schoolhouse, and ultimately a fire exercise, but somehow I just knew it would be.  I knew that I was going to be right again.

Worried, I looked ahead, hoping that if it was a fire there was no “mayhem.”  Sure enough, there was one fire truck and a few firemen alongside the old school.  They were apparently conducting a “fire exercise” and started a controlled burn.  As my father would say, they “just touched it off.”   In my experience, fire exercises are often conducted as a community service for the two-fold benefit of teaching firefighters and removing unsafe structures.  As I slowed down for a closer look some of the firefighters, including the Chief, or Commander, looked back.  I continued on to Greenville and my appointment.

When I came back through Gettysburg the fire was almost finished but the firemen were still there.  I passed by, headed east for Troy but my curiosity got the better of me.  I had to investigate this!  I turned around and went back, but now the schoolhouse was on the opposite side of the road.  This necessitated that I turn around again and head east.  The berm was narrow but I pulled over and rolled down the passenger window.  The fire Chief came over and I laughed, apologizing for being a bother as he smiled and asked if he could help me.

I explained that I had gone by the old school the week before and noticed it was in a hazardous state.  I thought it would be a danger to children, needed to be torn down and felt that it would be a good fire exercise.  As we chatted he told me that it was a Pontiac dealership several years ago and the owner used to sell cars there.  The owner wanted it torn down, so he called the local fire department to see what could be burned first.  A second crew was scheduled to follow-up and haul away what was left.  Our chat was short and pleasant but I hesitated.  I had come this far and he hadn’t given me a hard time yet but I had to ask the Chief one more thing before I left.

“How long you guys had this exercise scheduled?” I asked.

“’Bout two days,” he said.  “The owner called us up a couple of days ago and asked if we’d take care of it.”

I smiled and again apologized for being a bother and pulled away.  In remote viewing we think it is amazing that of all the targets, or all the locations, or all the events in the entire world that we could possibly view, somehow we usually hit the right one.  So, of all the days for me to travel somewhere strange not once, but twice, and that I would be a witness, seems more than coincidental.  Given the odds of putting me in the right place at the right time, even gathering perceptions about a future event like we do in a remote viewing session seems unlikely, but what do I know?  Nothing.  I’m just a human observer documenting what I see.
  • I never travel to Greenville and I used MapQuest on the computer to find the route.  If I had left home on time on Saturday, August 2, 2008 I would probably have missed the beginning of the event.  I might or might not have been there when the fire crew arrived. 
  • I have “history” with both one-room schoolhouses and fire exercises, so emotionally I could “identify.”  In a controlled remote viewing session, once we achieve the aesthetic impact (AI), we’ve established a spatial relationship to the target.  We then identify the emotion that it makes us feel, and when we begin working the target and gathering perceptions, we’re working within the emotional environment of the AI.  I “felt” that the school house would be a good fire exercise.
  • I have to ask myself that if, with the initial “daydream, or thought,” I created that reality.  I wondered if I had an emotional association and identified with the danger of that building to children which initiated the reality of the fire exercise to keep them safe.
  • Or I may have simply remote viewed a future event.
  • Or if maybe my concern was great enough that I connected telepathically with the owner through entanglement.
I ponder and weigh thoughts about cause and effect, time loops, retro causality, presentiment, subjective reality, precognition, and theories about holographic and multiple universes.  It sounds like the twilight zone to most of us, but not to a quantum physicist.  I’m glad I’m not in charge of trying to figure it out.  I’m only the human observing the experience.  I am, however, beginning to think that studying controlled remote viewing should be part of the core curriculum for physics.

Revised tlf 6.1.09

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